Differin vs Panoxyl: Unveil the Acne Treatment Champion

9 min read

Graciela Mayer, Lead Beauty Writer


Embark on a journey to flawless skin with Differin vs Panoxyl: Unveil the Acne Treatment Champion! In the quest for a blemish-free complexion, these two heavyweights have cornered the market, but only one can reign supreme.

Step into the ring as we break down the science, reveal insider insights, and crown the ultimate victor in banishing breakouts.

Ready to revolutionize your skincare routine? The answer to your clearest skin yet starts right here!

What is Differin?

Differin is a brand name for a topical medication that contains the active ingredient adapalene. Adapalene is a type of retinoid, which is a class of compounds related to vitamin A. It is used in the treatment of acne and is known for its ability to normalize the shedding of skin cells and decrease inflammation. This helps to reduce the formation of acne comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and can lead to an overall improvement in skin texture and clarity.

Differin gel or cream is formulated for application to the skin and is typically used once daily. It is available in different strengths, with 0.1% adapalene being available over the counter in many countries, and higher concentrations like 0.3% needing a prescription.

As with other retinoids, when using Differin, it is important to follow the application instructions carefully to prevent skin irritation. It is also recommended to use sunscreen daily, as this medication can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. Initial worsening of acne may occur when starting Differin, but this usually resolves with continued use as the skin adjusts to the medication.

What is Panoxyl?

Panoxyl is a brand of over-the-counter acne treatment products that contain benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. Benzoyyl peroxide is known for its effectiveness in treating mild to moderate acne by killing bacteria that cause acne, reducing inflammation, and helping to clear blocked pores.

Panoxyl products come in various forms, including facial washes, foaming washes, and spot treatments in different concentrations of benzoyl peroxide. They offer deep cleaning of pores and management of acne-prone skin. The brand is often recommended by dermatologists due to the proven benefits of benzoyl peroxide for acne control.

It is important for users to be aware that benzoyl peroxide can cause skin irritation, dryness, and redness, especially when first starting treatment or if used too frequently. It’s also known to bleach fabrics, so care should be taken when applying the product to avoid contact with clothing, towels, or bedding. Users are often advised to start with a lower concentration and increase as tolerated, as well as to use non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking) moisturizers and sunscreen, since benzoyl peroxide can increase skin sensitivity to the sun.

Is Panoxyl the Same as Differin?

No, Panoxyl and Differin are not the same. They are both topical treatments used for acne, but they contain different active ingredients and work in different ways.

  • Panoxyl primarily consists of benzoyl peroxide, which works by killing bacteria that cause acne, reducing inflammation, and helping to unclog pores. Benzoyl peroxide is an antiseptic and it also has a mild drying effect, which allows for the removal of excess oils and dirt. Panoxyl comes in various formulations, such as creams, washes, and foams, in different strengths.

  • Differin, on the other hand, contains adapalene, which is a type of retinoid. Adapalene works by regulating the cell turnover rate, which helps to keep pores clear of blockages and reduces the formation of acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Differin comes in cream or gel form and is available in different concentrations.

While both products can be effective for the treatment of acne, they work best for different types of acne and skin types. Benzoyl peroxide in Panoxyl can be more effective for inflammatory acne because of its bactericidal properties, whereas Differin may be better suited for non-inflammatory acne like blackheads and whiteheads due to its retinoid content.

It’s important to note that while both can be purchased over the counter in some countries, it’s always best to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare provider to determine which treatment is appropriate for your specific condition and skin type. Additionally, because these products can cause skin irritation, especially when first starting treatment, users should follow usage directions carefully and pay attention to how their skin responds during initial use.

How Effective are these Differin vs Panoxyl

Both Differin and PanOxyl are popular topical treatments used to combat acne, but they work in different ways and contain different active ingredients.

Differin (Adapalene):

  • Differin Gel is a brand name for adapalene gel 0.1% or 0.3%. It is a type of retinoid, which is related to Vitamin A.
  • Adapalene works by preventing the clogging of pores and also by speeding up the cell turnover rate, which helps in reducing the formation of acne.
  • It is effective against both blackheads and whiteheads, as well as inflammatory acne.
  • Differin is often recommended for long-term use and can lead to improvement in skin texture and tone over time.
  • It can be more gentle compared to older retinoids and usually causes less irritation, making it suitable for sensitive skin types.
  • It is available over-the-counter (OTC) in many countries.

PanOxyl (Benzoyl Peroxide):

  • PanOxyl is a brand name for products that contain benzoyl peroxide, which is available in concentrations ranging from 2.5% to 10%.
  • Benzoyl peroxide works by killing bacteria (P. acnes) that can cause acne, and it also helps to exfoliate the skin and clear pores.
  • It is effective against inflammatory acne, such as red pimples and pustules.
  • PanOxyl can be drying and may cause peeling or redness, especially when you first start using it. It’s important to use it with caution and start with a lower concentration if your skin is sensitive.
  • Benzoyl peroxide can bleach fabric, so be mindful of contact with clothing or bedding.
  • It is also available OTC and is often recommended for use on both the face and body.

Regarding effectiveness, both Differin and PanOxyl can be highly effective for treating acne, but their effects may vary based on the individual’s skin type, the severity of the acne, and how the skin reacts to the treatment.

Some dermatologists may recommend using both Differin and PanOxyl together, alternating them or applying them at different times of the day to utilize their different mechanisms of action. However, it’s crucial to be cautious with combination therapy as it can increase the risk of skin irritation. Always follow the advice of a healthcare professional or a dermatologist when considering combining acne treatments.

Panoxyl vs Differin: Price and Value Comparision

When comparing PanOxyl and Differin for their price and value, it’s important to consider several factors such as the active ingredients, intended use, effectiveness, and cost-per-use. Both products are popular over-the-counter (OTC) options for acne treatment, but they work in slightly different ways.


  • Active Ingredient: Benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial and keratolytic agent that helps to kill bacteria responsible for acne and helps to clear out clogged pores.
  • Product types: Available in different forms like foaming washes, creamy washes, and spot treatments with varying concentrations of benzoyl peroxide.
  • Price: Generally, PanOxyl products are affordable. Prices may vary depending on the retailer, location, and specific product formulation. On average, a PanOxyl acne foaming wash might cost between $9 and $15 for a 5.5 oz bottle.
  • Value: Benzoyl peroxide is a well-established acne treatment with strong evidence of effectiveness. PanOxyl offers a good cost-per-use value, especially since foaming washes are applied to the entire face or affected area and can last several weeks depending on usage frequency.


  • Active Ingredient: Adapalene, which is a type of retinoid that works by affecting the growth of cells and decreasing inflammation, thereby helping to prevent the formation of new acne.
  • Product types: Primarily available as a gel or cream formulation intended for once-daily use.
  • Price: Differin is often priced higher than PanOxyl. The cost for Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1% may range from $12 to $30 or more for a 0.5 oz or 1.6 oz tube, depending on where you purchase it.
  • Value: Differin is regarded as a good long-term treatment for acne, particularly for those dealing with both acne and acne-related inflammation. The value proposition for Differin is based on its effectiveness as a retinoid and its ability to improve skin texture and prevent acne over time. The per-use cost might be higher than PanOxyl, but a little goes a long way as only a pea-sized amount is needed for the entire face.

When deciding between PanOxyl and Differin, consider your specific skin concerns. PanOxyl may be better for immediate antibacterial action and to combat existing acne, especially if you have oily skin. Differin might be more appropriate for longer-term treatment to prevent new acne from forming and to manage mild to moderate acne, particularly if you have issues with skin texture.

Keep in mind that prices and availability can fluctuate, and sometimes promotions or discounts may affect the perceived value. Before starting any new acne treatment, consider consulting with a dermatologist to determine the best option for your skin type and condition. It’s also important to consider how each product fits into your overall skincare routine, as using multiple treatments can sometimes cause irritation or dryness.


When comparing Differin and Panoxyl in the context of beauty and skincare, it is essential to understand their active ingredients and intended uses. Differin, known generically as adapalene, is a topical retinoid primarily used to treat acne. It works by promoting cell turnover and reducing inflammation, thereby preventing the formation of acne. Differin is well-regarded for its ability to improve skin texture and tone in addition to clearing acne.

On the other hand, Panoxyl contains benzoyl peroxide, which is an antimicrobial agent effective in killing bacteria associated with acne. Unlike Differin, benzoyl peroxide has a more immediate, but potentially more drying, effect. It is useful for both treating existing acne and preventing new breakouts.

In conclusion, both Differin and Panoxyl are effective treatments for acne, but they operate through different mechanisms. Differin is a gentler option that can have benefits for skin texture and tone over the long term, while Panoxyl may be better for those who require a stronger, more immediate antibacterial action. Users with sensitive skin might prefer Differin, whereas those with more resilient skin could benefit from Panoxyl.

Ultimately, the choice between Differin and Panoxyl might depend on individual skin type, severity of acne, and personal preference. Some people may even find a combination of the two, used at different times or in conjunction as part of a broader skincare regimen, can be effective. However, it’s always advisable to start with lower concentrations to build up skin tolerance and to consult with a dermatologist to tailor a skincare regimen that’s appropriate for one’s specific needs.

Graciela Mayer, Lead Beauty Writer
Graciela Mayer

About the Author Mission Statement: Graciela Mayer is a passionate and experienced Lead Beauty Writer who is dedicated to providing